Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here are some of the pillows that I am making for the piper + chloe showcase/botique. These are the pics that will be posted on their blog.

So Matt + I have decided to do a trade off...he kills all the spiders if I change all the poopy diapers! He hates pooper diapers more and I hate spiders more. I think he is pretty much getting the better end of the deal, but he did have to kill this way big nasty spider the other day, and that gave me plenty of satisfaction about the deal!


Janica Ellsworth said...

I want those pillows! They are WAY cute.

Tony said...

Cool pillows sis! I like the chest of drawers too!

Derk and Ashley said...

Love love love them!!! I want all of them!! Can you teach me how to be crafty??? It's one of my goals!!!