Thursday, November 12, 2009

A gorgeous blanket made for Ella by her grandma Rawson! I love the edge she did on this blanket, it is beautiful!...(thanks Becky!!)
..Oh the joys of motherhood. I love my kids, but I sure feel like a crazy person lately. Two year old-ism's are just too much to handle sometimes. Jimmy keeps me busy, he is trying to be so independent everyday, oh man, I just don't even know what the next day will bring! He is a handful of trouble right now, he gets into to everything and he is a recorder of everything that I say to him. He will eventually use it against me. Like, "Don't you talk to me like that." and "I said NO!" He colored on Matt's laptop and our kitchen table a couple days ago with a permanent marker that I forgot to put up ( oh yeah and his pumkin, which he pointed out to us when we were lecturing him, he said, "I drawed eyes!") . He has thrown up twice on his carpet in the last week, because he is throwing a tantrum. Just another day in the life of a two year old.


Derk and Ashley said...

Oh Tiff....I can't help myself from laughing! Not because your going crazy, but beacuse I have to laugh now cause I won't be later when it is happening to me! I am so happy to see pictures of Ella. She is beautiful. I need to come get Jimmy one day to play with Cohen so you can take a break!!

jen said...

Are you serious?! Permanent marker? I'd die. Is there any way to get it off, or are you just stuck?
Good luck. I do not envy the two children scenario! It sounds like you've got your hands full. Are things going better with feeding Ella and sleep and everything?

Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Derk and Ashley said...

Hey Tiff, I was talking to a lady in my ward the other day and she said that those magic erasers took permanent marker off of her cabinets. I was thinking of that for your table!